What’s the Difference Between Saddle Stitch and Perfect Bound?

Are you looking for the best binding option for your print materials? Of course, there are a lot of factors when it comes to choosing the best binding technique for your particular project. Saddle stitch and perfect bound books are two of the most popular techniques. These are durable and stylish binds that are commonly used for books of all shapes and sizes like:

  • Multi-page booklets 
  • Catalogs 
  • Magazines 
  • And other types of books! 

Here are the most important differences between perfect bound and saddle stitch binding.

perfect bound and saddle stitched

Perfect Bound

Perfect bound is the most common technique for binding soft cover books. It is a technique that is commonly used in magazines, books, journals, and catalogs of all sizes. The perfect bound technique uses glues to hold the pages to the spine.

Importantly, the spine is part of the front cover. So, the front cover is bent to create the spine and then the pages are glued to this small section. This means there is no seam between the front cover and the spine, creating a smoother, more aesthetic front edge. Perfect bound also allows for better wrap-around printing.

For more information on binding methods, visit our FAQ page.

Advantages of Perfect Binding to Consider 

  • Aesthetically appealing 
  • Strength and durability
  • Printable spine 
  • Completely customizable – any colors and finishes you’d like work with this type of method 

Saddle Stitch

Saddle Stitching Services - Magazines

Saddle stitch binding is great for small books (ones with fewer pages), but it has limitations. This method is great for pamphlets and magazines with fewer than 100 pages and the page count must be in multiples of 4.

The saddle stitch binding technique takes full sheets of paper, stapled together in the center. Then the book, including the cover, is folded in half along the line of the staple. This is definitely a cost-effective binding method because no glue is used. Saddle stitch books can be produced very quickly and efficiently. It is also a very eco-friendly process since it wastes no paper glue.

Advantages of Saddle Stitching to Consider 

  • This type of binding option is less expensive 
  • Turnaround time is faster than perfect binding 
  • Perfect for small or large projects – hand size brochures or large books
  • Can use a self-cover or separate covers  

Solo Printing Full-Service Binding Solutions 

If you’re not sure which binding type is best for your project, below is some information about our full-service binding solutions that may help you decide.

  • Perfect Bound
    • Using our Kolbus KM 600 is a great choice for book, catalog, and magazine publishers
    • Pages are glued together using a hot melt or polyurethane reactive (PUR) adhesive
    • There is a front cover with a smooth, printable binding edge
    • The picture-perfect method for soft cover books and journals
  • Saddle-stitched
    • Typically used to bind together a small number of pages (i.e., a booklet)
      • 60 pages or fewer is the best advice
    • Staples are used alongside the edge of your book
    • Our newly installed Muller martini stitchery machines increase efficiency and result in a more cost-effective option for customers

Contact Solo Printing for Saddle Stitch & Binding Services 

Perfect bound and saddle stitch are both great binding techniques. When shopping for your printing needs, choose the method that is best for your particular project.

To order the best printing and binding services for your printing materials, visit our new Solo Printing Online Store – https://www.shopsoloprinting.com/

For more information, please contact us at 800-325-0118.